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Remote Working Video Series: Onboarding

Remote Onboarding   Website

​It’s no secret that working arrangements are changing. But what does the employment lifecycle look like in a virtual or remote setting? In our video series, Potentia Director, Julian Lambert, sits down with experienced People and Culture Advisor, Vanessa Radich to chat through it from start to finish.

Remote onboarding

In part two of our virtual and remote working video series, Vanessa shares her insights on a topic that so many organisations have been struggling with during the Covid-19 pandemic: remote onboarding.

Nothing is accidental

While traditional onboarding can often be ad-hoc, when it comes to doing it remotely, nothing is accidental. Comparing some of the differences between the two, Vanessa explains the importance of being structured and proactive in everything you do with new hires.

Vanessa's remote onboarding checklist

  • Encourage new hires to join a few team standups prior to joining

  • Initiate deliberate social interactions online

  • In your new starter's first week, book out their calendar with one-to-ones, not just with their immediate team, but everyone that they'll come into contact with.

  • Build out a solid three month plan - all about setting expectations and providing structure

  • Incorporate daily 10 minute catch ups with their manager - what did you learn, who did you meet, where were you blocked?

If you'd like to discuss any of the topics discussed in this video, I'd love to chat - reach out to me here!