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It’s Not BAU...and That’s Okay

It's Not Bau   Website

​I’m not sure about you, but the term ‘Business-as-Usual (BAU)’ (in its various guises) has been plastered all over my newsfeed ever since the Covid-19 situation took a turn for the worst a few weeks ago. While most (if not all) have acknowledged the significant impacts of the pandemic, I’m still seeing organisations that are marketing, selling and engaging customers as if nothing has really changed – trying to treat the situation as BAU. But the reality is, this is not BAU, and that is completely okay!

So, what is ‘Not-Business-As-Usual (NBAU)’? I’m going to be stating the obvious, but it’s an acknowledgement of the fact that we’re not running in a BAU state, and that yes, the landscape has changed. Of course, there are some organisations that are thriving and are as busy as they’ll ever be e.g. those in and supporting essential services (who are doing an amazing job!). It’s safe to say a lot of these essential services have been forced into significant pivots in an effort to adapt, change and support those in need during the lockdown. But by now, those exceptions aside, most other businesses are hunkered down in Business Continuity Planning (BCP) mode in some way shape or form, and there is nothing wrong with admitting to being in that position.

I’m going to say it, and you would have heard it 100 times already, but it’s a fact: these are unprecedented times in modern business. It’s not even comparable to the last recession and as a result, other businesses are pivoting too. From pauses on insurance policies and mortgages to deferred payments and the removal of late payment fees, we’re seeing a shift that backs up what we already know – this is a monumental event. The recruitment world is not immune from this. It’s no secret that the industry has taken a massive hit, and it will need to pivot too! What will these changes look like? It’s all still in the air, but one thing is clear – our services, and what our customers need from us as recruiters, will certainly be different to what they were previously and we are excited by this prospect.

At Potentia, we became aware of the challenges very early. Like so many others across New Zealand, we’ve taken certain actions (applying for the Government Wage Subsidy for example) to safeguard the future of Potentia. Has it been difficult? Of course it has. But the decisions have been made knowing the shifting environment we are operating in from a business standpoint – and embracing it! Yes, we find ourselves in a situation that no one wanted, but we’ve embraced NBAU and embraced the mindset around that; accepting that things aren’t okay and doing the best we can as a business to get through it, together.